AUSPOL, the police welfare foundation

AUSPOL is a police welfare foundation assisting current and former law enforcement officers and employees, and their families and dependents. Assistance may also be provided to other persons in need outside the law enforcement area, including victims of crime.

AUSPOL is funded by donations from both the public and organisations. The biggest single supporter of AUSPOL has been the Australian Federal Police Association and members of the AFP who choose to make regular fortnightly tax-deductible donations.


AUSPOL was primarily established to assist currently serving, and former law enforcement officers and their families, however, assistance may be provided to any person in need.

The Australian Taxation Office has approved AUSPOL as a public fund for the relief of persons in necessitous circumstances.

The types of assistance that the Foundation may offer include assistance with the immediate financial needs of a police officer and their dependents in a case where there is a loss of life or livelihood.

It could also cover emergency financial assistance in the case of an unexpected crisis. All requests for support will be considered and assessed according to the information provided by the applicant and other relevant information available.

A person is in necessitous circumstances where his or her financial resources are insufficient to obtain all that is necessary, not only for bare existence but for a modest standard of living in the Australian community. A reliable indicator of this would be where a person’s level of income is such that they are eligible to receive income-tested government benefits.

The current Directors are:

  • Mr Alex Caruana, AFPA President
  • Ms Clare Fitzpatrick, AFPA Vice-President
  • Mr Adrian Smith, AFPA Secretary/Treasurer

Deductible Gift Recipient

AUSPOL is a Deductible Gift Recipient (ACN# 600 496 688) approved in the Welfare and Rights category under item number 4.1.3: Public Fund for Persons in Necessitous Circumstances.

The Australian Taxation Office Deductible Gift Recipient status is one of the highest levels of recognition by the Australian Government. In practice, it means that gifts of $2.00 or more are tax-deductible for the donor.

You can make one off donations to AUSPOL via bank transfer or alternatively by mail:

Account name: AUSPOL
Account number: 10365540
BSB: 062 902

PO Box 4576
Kingston ACT 2604

A receipt will be emailed or posted to you.

Payroll Deductions

One of the easiest ways to donate to AUSPOL is to set up an ongoing payroll deduction to the Foundation. You can fill in the payroll deduction form in the link below and send it into the head office details set out on the form or using the Contacts link on the website.

AUSPOL would be happy to assist wherever possible in establishing an ongoing relationship with your employer when one does not already exist.

The AFPA’s contact details can be found below.

Apply Now

Requests for assistance may be made by email forwarded to

What information is required, and how are requests assessed?

Each request will be considered on its merits. Factors that may be taken into account include:

  • the circumstances that have created the necessity,
  • other avenues of help and support available (for example, AFP Police Legacy, Centrelink, or other community-based welfare organisations a.) and whether these are actively being sought, and
  • the length of time that assistance will be needed for.

Factors such as relative financial need, the availability of other forms of assistance and the nature of the emergency will also be taken into account.

Where there is more than one urgent need, the applicant should provide a list in priority order that indicates which need is most critical in terms of the assistance requested.

When will the results of the request be available?

All requests will be acknowledged on receipt.

Requests are generally processed within 72 hours.

A decision may be deferred (pending receipt of additional information).

Applicants will be contacted by email or telephone by a Director by telephone or email to advise of the outcome of a request and if required, to arrange receipt of the benefit.

What if an application is rejected?

If a request is rejected, that decision is final.

However, further information may be provided by an applicant in support of further consideration (in exceptional circumstances).

All subsequent requests will generally be processed within 72 hours, with applicants updated on the current status of their request during this time as appropriate.


AUSPOL – Police Welfare Foundation’s office is located in Canberra.

Contact details are:
Street address
3/53 Blackall Street,
Barton ACT 2601


Mailing address:

PO BOX 4576,

Kingston ACT 2604

+61 (0)2 6285 1677
