We encourage people to continue to do their job professionally but also be aware of the situation around them. Where practical, consider social distancing measures. Social distancing is an effective measure, but we recognise that it cannot be practiced in all situations and the aim is to generally reduce the potential for COVID-19 transmission. When dealing with a member of the public we encourage you to:
- Maintain a safe distance between you and the person you are talking too (think operational safety distances here)
- Ask the person about their recent medical history, just remember that people aren’t legally obliged to tell you their medical history.
- If you need to go ‘hands-on’, then when practical, please decontaminate yourself using soap and water (minimum of 20 seconds of washing), hexifoam (or similar product) or hand sanitizer. Decontaminate yourself like you have someone else’s blood on you.
- If you go ‘hands-on’ with a person who is displaying symptons of COVID-19, notify your Team Leader and discuss the possibility of submitting a workplace incident report. Report the matter as we believe that if you contract COVID-19 in the course of your duties then the incident should be referred to Comcare.
- Use common sense and your operational awareness. Where you can speak to people outside, do so.
- When speaking to people that are ill, consider wearing your PPE equipment. Remember that PPE masks are only effective for 4 hours.
- Where possible, try to speak to people outside while maintaining social distancing and operational safety principles.