EA Update
The AFPA is continuing to undergo a significant body of work in relation to the next EA. Our goal for the EA is fair renumeration and recognition that supports AFP front-line workers for the valuable work that they do.
With this in mind, the AFPA EA Advisory Committee (comprising of members of the AFPA National Executive, delegates, and senior staff) has been established to advise on broader strategic decisions, including the AFPA Log of Claims. The Committee is focusing on our commitments in the upcoming EA negotiations, which is being informed by ideas and issues raised by the AFPA membership.
Members are strongly encouraged to submit any ideas or proposals they have for the EA at https://www.afpa.org.au/future-enterprise-agreement/ .
The AFPA will also be undertaking a series of musters and on-site visits during 2023 relating to the next EA. The purpose of these musters will be to hear from you, our members, on any issues, ideas or feedback you have in relation to the next EA.
All meetings will be run both in-person and simultaneously on Microsoft Teams. We will release dates of our visits in the upcoming weeks. Again, we encourage you to participate in the process, as your feedback is greatly valued in the lead-up to EA negotiations.