Feedback on the AFPA Dispatch

We’re always interested to hear from our members; if you’d like to share your thoughts on the AFPA Dispatch, we’ve created a short survey here

If you have a few minutes to complete the survey, we’d appreciate it.


My upcoming meeting with the Minister

I will be speaking to Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus next week about the toll policing has on the mental health of members, and how it can contribute to premature deaths.

Some of the issues that will form the backbone of our conversation will be around recent floods, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the 2019/2020 bushfires; the effect these have had on members, and will continue to, cannot be understated. I will be asking for more resources, staff and funding to ensure appropriate (and free) mental health services are made available to all AFPA members.

Superannuation update

The AFPA has recently become aware that for the third time (at least), despite court-ordered double-checking, the AFP has yet again managed to miscalculate members’ superannuation payments.

The AFPA does not provide financial advice or calculations, but if there is an error detected, please contact us and we will review your options on a case-by-case basis.

Member Discounts

We are actively looking for and engaging suppliers/retailers for discounts for AFPA members. Please read the membership section of this Dispatch for more detail on recent deals we have secured.

If you have an idea for other retailers or suppliers, please let us know at

Some areas we are currently looking at on:

  • Insurers (travel, car, home and life)
  • Fuel
  • Mobile phone service providers
  • And public transport (thanks JB and Brycey)

Lastly, I know there are a number of members who have been affected personally and/or professionally by recent major events like the floods and pandemic. If you do need some assistance, please reach out to us at or (02) 62851677.

Media Summary

Below you can find a summary of the media appearances I have made over October.

Media Release
17 October AFPA supports proposed ban on gambling advertising AFPA Website
27 October AFPA welcomes universal Family and Domestic Violence leave AFPA Website
Media Articles
20 October Private contractor use in APS was a major corruption risk, NACC whistle-blower protections inadequate, inquiry told The Canberra Times
31 October ISIS women and kids back with families The Australian
Television and Radio Interviews
20 October National Anti-Corruption Commission Legislation Committee public hearing Australian Parliament House
27 October ACT Justice and Community Safety Committee – dangerous driving in the ACT public hearing ACT Legislative Assembly
29 October A Government inquiry into dangerous driving behaviours has continued WIN News